Smoke Alarm Safety
You walk past them every day. In fact, multiple times per day and you probably never notice them, but they are there to alert you when you need it most. Many people take a correctly installed and inspected smoke alarm for granted. When was the last time you tested your smoke alarm?
With rules and regulations forever changing it is important to at least check your smoke alarms on a regular basis. We have listed below some important tips and things you can do to ensure your smoke alarms will be there in working order when you need them!
Test button
Every smoke alarm should have a test button on the base which can be held down for three seconds to ensure it is in working order. It’s recommended that this test is undertaken a minimum of every 6 months.
This test button will also tell you if your smoke alarms are interconnected. If they all proceed to sound their alarm when you test just one of your smoke alarms, this means they are all interconnected. Providing you with the best and safest installation.
Mains power
All smoke alarms should be hard wired by a licensed electrician to mains power. To check this your smoke alarm should have a green light to indicate that they are connected to the mains power and it should be visible from standing underneath the alarm.
Alternatively you can use a smoke alarm without mains power but it has to have a 10 year battery installed.
Expiry date
Like everything, smoke alarms come with an expiry date, which is typically 10 years after installation. It is recommended that you check and record any dates on your alarms to ensure they stay up to standard.
Battery backup
All smoke alarms should have a battery backup installed to ensure if power is to go out that the battery installed can keep the smoke alarm in working order.
If you need any installation assistance or help in determining the safety of your current smoke alarms, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Elevate Electrical and Data.